As a true composer, Out of Wine selects for you the best regions, terroirs, grape varieties, and makers to take you on a journey between land and wine. At our heart, is the desire to help you rediscover the French ‘Art de Vivre’ by freeing ourselves from all confines to create wines firmly oriented towards the New World !

Wine enthusiasts

As true creators, we shape innovative wines in harmony with new expectations. Our leitmotiv? To satisfy your needs and tastes by adding a touch of the unexpected! With Out of Wine, we dare to make wines that shake up traditions and give them a more relaxed, offbeat vision.

"My vision has led me to create wines which represent myself respecting tradition whilst bringing a personal touch. Birthed from a desire to share the best of the terroir, I present you my wines that I hope will charm you". - The Winemaker's word
Free to create wines
against the grain

As a wine specialist, Out of Wine is distinguished by its liberty, which allows it not only to conceive wines that suit the consumer, but also to free itself from the confines of tradition to bring French terroirs to the consumer in a different way.


Our belief that cultures can benefit from one another is what enables us to break down barriers. Like a composer, we select the best regions, terroirs and grape varieties in France, then blend them together to give our wines all their character and uniqueness.

Open to the world

Freedom and modernity go hand in hand with diversity! Today, our cultural richness and our interest in the regions of the world inspire us to create wines with a different approach that will surprise your taste buds. It’s our sense of adventure, our forward-looking vision and enthusiasm for knowledge that bring the world to you !

Out of Wine is also distinguished by its model; Not being limited to a domain, a terroir, or a region, he ventures to free himself from traditional French confines, without ever neglecting quality! This is reinforced by its ability to build trusted partnerships with Winemakers around the world, which guarantee the modernity of the wines.

Born from a real passion for the French ‘Art de vivre’, the avant-garde approach that we cultivate proudly places Out of Wine in its time !


Committed from the land
to the wine

Out of Wine believes that the long-term preservation of the terroirs is key for the future. It is therefore committed to the environment and today respects a quality requirement by offering HVE3 certified wines, however in the future the brand aims to work with organic or sustainable wines.

Constantly with the goal of being in tune with the challenges of our world, Out of Wine not only chooses recycled paper and cardboard to label and package its wines, but also chooses to commit to reducing its carbon footprint. Convinced that its brand’s commitment is built every day, Out of Wine is constantly working to reduce its impact on the environment.
